The Mission of LivePrayer

LivePrayer was founded for the sole purpose of having a site on the internet where people can go 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for prayer. The whole mission of LivePrayer is to give those who are hurting...HOPE. The common bond all men and women share regardless of where they live in the world or their economic standing, is the trials and tribulations of life.

Health problems. Relationship problems. Financial concerns. Spiritual issues. As a Christian organization, LivePrayer believes the only answer to the problems we face is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. While that does not make a person immune from life's problems, it provides a foundation from which everything we will face in this life can be handled.

LivePrayer is a place where people who are hurting or struggling with life in general can come and find hope to overcome their problems. In addition to personal responses to emails for prayer, LivePrayer also offers a free Daily Devotional that is sent directly to the email account of those who subscribe, an audio version of the Daily Devotional, a Miracle Center where people can have their faith strengthened in prayer for physical healing, financial needs, and relationship problems, a Special Features section of various high profile outreaches, an archive of all of the Daily Devotionals and TV programs searchable by topic, and many more features to minister to people in their time of need. Everything LivePrayer offers is 100% FREE and available to anyone who visits the website.

This nation is in the spritual abyss it is, unable to help save itself from God's pending destruction because it has turned its back on God and His Truth. The vast majority of churches over the past 40 years have become apostate, many in all out sin and rebellion to God. The vast majority of ministries are little more than personal fiefdoms for those who run them. Christendom has pulled back into its own incestuous subculture that has taken the salt and light from the very world it was called to reach.

LivePrayer is different.

Our mission is to reach people who are in need and share with them the Miracle of God’s Word and His gift of salvation. Much as Jesus was born in a stable, LivePrayer was born in a used car lot, and it is still located there today! Instead of diverting resources to build giant cathedrals, buy extravagant mansions and private jets, and pay outrageous salaries, LivePrayer dedicates its efforts to expanding its ministry to spread God's message.

Don’t believe us? Tour the LivePrayer headquarters with Bill Keller.

LivePrayer Headquarters